

Today I turned in a report for one of my classes. Here is a direct quote from what I turned in -

"my simple project turned into a Towel of Babel"

I hope my prof laughs.


Fleeing from Terrorists

"For the law made nothing perfect" - Hebrews 7:19

The other night while watching coverage of the Isreal-Lebonese conflict, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Isreali prime minister, was asked, "Do you think that Israel should be showing the 'utmost restraint' in attacking Lebenon as other world leaders have urged?" He answered, "Imagine if one of the United State's largest cities was bombed by terrorists. Would you sit back and watch? Or what about Pearl Harbor? On December 7, the president had two choices. The first would be to do nothing and hide from this terrorist nation hoping that they won't attack again. The second would be fighting back knowing that they will attack again." Then my mom added this piece of wisdom.

"Just because there is an absence of conflict does not mean there is peace."

This morning I realized how this can apply to sin. Even if you are the most moral person - never drinking, swearing, lying, always keeping your commitments, working out everyday, eating healthy, going to church whenever the doors are open - that doesn't mean there's peace. It just means that you're really good at running away. But soon, you're heart will beat fast and sweat will drip off you're skin, and you'll have to stop or else you'll die from exhastion. But then the terrorists catch up, and you'll die in their hands.

The only way to be free is to fight. Thankfully, Jesus has already taken care of that.